Advancing PFAS Analysis - Robotic Automation and Streamlined LC/MS Workflows
To support the scientific community and advance PFAS analysis we are proud to offer a webinar on this topic.
Key topics:
Advantages of automated and miniaturized µSPE clean-up in pesticides residues analysis
Recent developments in pesticides analysis extend the well-established methods to higher productivity and reliability while minimizing consumption and exposition to harmful chemicals. A workflow was developed that allows automatic preparation of calibration standards, automatic sample dilution, and automatic clean-up of sample extracts on one instrument, showing that miniaturized automated solutions are reducing errors, improving analytical consistency and protecting the environment in one convenient approach.
Presented by:
Thomi Preiswerk, Senior Account Manager, CTC Analytics AG
Gwen Lim , Specialist for automated sample preparation, CTC Analytics
Ederina Ninga, Postdoc, Research Group for Analytical Food Chemistry, Danish Technical University
Fully Automated QuEChERS Extraction and µSPE Clean-up of Organophosphate Pesticides in Orange Juice
Chiew Mei Chong1, Hans-Joachim Hübschmann2
1 CTC Analytics Pte. Ltd., Singapore.
2 HANS Analytical Solutions, Osaka, Japan.
High-throughput Analysis of 1,4-Dioxane in Drinking Water using SPME Arrow–Trap with Multi-Step Enrichment
This application note showcases Solid Phase Micro Extraction (SPME) Arrow-trap technology, combined with multi-step enrichment (MSE) on the PAL3-Centri® platform and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), to analyze 1,4-dioxane in water samples. The method successfully detects 1,4-dioxane at levels as low as 0.01 μg/L (10 ppt), surpassing the detection limits required by German REACH and US EPA regulations.
Streamlining Metabolomic Analyses with Automated Derivatization and Injection Workflows
Metabolites, the dynamic molecules reflecting cellular processes, hold the potential for understanding health, disease, and
biological systems. To unlock this potential, metabolomic analyses require precise and reliable analytical methods. This App Note
explores the workflow of the Metabolomics Core Technology Platform (MCTP), a core facility of Heidelberg University (Germany),
discussing their semi-automated analysis for untargeted metabolomics and ¹³C tracing studies via gas chromatography-mass
spectrometry (GC/MS).
Fully Automated Sample Preparation and Untargeted 2D-LC-Mass Spectrometry Workflow for Glycerophospholipid Analysis in Plasma
We developed an integrated workflow combining HILIC-LC-SWATH-MS for quantitative analysis and 2D-LC HILIC x RPLC DDA-EAD/MRMHR-EAD for qualitative characterization of complex lipidomes,particularly glycerophospholipids.
Characterization of the New PAL micro-SPE Cartridge for Pesticides Extract Clean-up
Since more than ten years micro-SPE (µSPE) emerged as a micromethod for sample preparation and clean-up in food safety, proteomics, forensic, environmental and analysis. Applications are wide-ranging and cover drugs, environmental contaminants, and, in particular, the QuEChERS extract cleanup in multiresidue pesticide analysis. The automation of the µSPE sample preparation steps led to the desired increase in sample throughput, unification of the used sorbent materials for food commodities, and the potential for the online hyphenation with GC/MS and LC/MS instrumentation.