Advancing PFAS Analysis - Robotic Automation and Streamlined LC/MS Workflows
To support the scientific community and advance PFAS analysis we are proud to offer a webinar on this topic.
Key topics:
Automated Sample Preperation for LC/MS and GC/MS - Solutions for Food and Environmental Analysis
In this presentation we want to discuss an important development and a demand from analytical laboratories about the standardization and the automation of sample preparation procedures for food safety, environmental, the forensic or pharmaceutical analysis.
Presented by:
Hans-Joachim Huebschmann, PhD
Streamlining Metabolomic Analyses with Automated Derivatization and Injection Workflows
Metabolites, the dynamic molecules reflecting cellular processes, hold the potential for understanding health, disease, and
biological systems. To unlock this potential, metabolomic analyses require precise and reliable analytical methods. This App Note
explores the workflow of the Metabolomics Core Technology Platform (MCTP), a core facility of Heidelberg University (Germany),
discussing their semi-automated analysis for untargeted metabolomics and ¹³C tracing studies via gas chromatography-mass
spectrometry (GC/MS).
Automated Determination of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters using a Method developed by PAL Method Composer
An efficient method for the generation and GC-analysis of FAME was generated using PAL Method Composer ver. 1.4. PAL Method Composer allows to rapidly generate methods by simple drag & drop operations.
Fully Automated Sample Preparation and Untargeted 2D-LC-Mass Spectrometry Workflow for Glycerophospholipid Analysis in Plasma
We developed an integrated workflow combining HILIC-LC-SWATH-MS for quantitative analysis and 2D-LC HILIC x RPLC DDA-EAD/MRMHR-EAD for qualitative characterization of complex lipidomes,particularly glycerophospholipids.
Untargeted 2DxLC-Mass Spectrometry using SWATH-DIA-Based Workflow for the Characterization of Lipid Profiles in Plasma Samples
The use of lipidomic analyses based on LC-mass spectrometry has become widespread due to its sensitivity and specificity which provides a broader picture of lipid profiles in biofluids. In this work, we combined an automated sample extraction and a two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2DxLC) system with HILIC-based class separation followed by an orthogonal reverse-phase chromatography with an untargeted SWATH-DIA workflow to accurately annotate phosphatidylcholines (PC), lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) and etherphosphatidylcholines (PC O-) in human plasma samples.