许多常规样品制备是化学工业分析任务的一部 分。这一广泛的领域涵盖了产品的质量控制、研究或参考标准的制定。PAL System的灵活配 置,品种繁多的工具和模块的集成使PAL System几乎可以满足任何样品处理要求。PAL Method Composer软件允许用户在几分钟内设 计自动化工作流程。
自动化最大限度地减少了样品处理的可变 性。PAL System特别擅长处理粘性或危险介质等 困难基质。PAL System为无人值守的全天候操作 要求提供了已验证的可靠的工作流程和高精度 的液体处理。
Automation of µ-SPE (Smart-SPE) and Liquid-Liquid Extraction Applied for the Analysis of Chemical Warfare Agents
Keywords: µSPE, liquid-liquid extraction, chemical warfare agents, automation, sample handling, sample preparation
Separations 2019, 6, 49 (OPEN ACCESS)
A Flow Reactor with Inline Analytics: Design and Implementation
Keywords: continous flow system, inline analytics, critical process parameters, reaction process, Claisen rearrangement
Org. Process Rev. Dev, 2014, 18 (11), 1315–1320
Carbon Isotope Ratio Analysis of Steroids by High-Temperature Liquid Chromatography-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
Keywords: compound-specific isotope analysis, steroids, isotope ratio mass spectrometry, LC/IRMS
Anal. Chem. 2014, 86, 2297−2302
Microwave-assisted nonionic surfactant extraction of aliphatic hydrocarbons from petroleum source rock
Keywords: microwave extraction, surfactant, aliphatic hydrocarbons, rock, in-tube extraction, ITEX, geochemical evaluation
Analytica Chimica Acta 691 (2011) 48–55
How to save money and time doing Sample Prep
Presented by:
Günter Boehm, PhD, VP Sample Prep Solutions, CTC Analytics AG