

许多常规样品制备是化学工业分析任务的一部 分。这一广泛的领域涵盖了产品的质量控制、研究或参考标准的制定。PAL System的灵活配 置,品种繁多的工具模块的集成使PAL System几乎可以满足任何样品处理要求。PAL Method Composer软件允许用户在几分钟内设 计自动化工作流程。

自动化最大限度地减少了样品处理的可变 性。PAL System特别擅长处理粘性或危险介质等 困难基质。PAL System为无人值守的全天候操作 要求提供了已验证的可靠的工作流程和高精度 的液体处理。




Automation of µ-SPE (Smart-SPE) and Liquid-Liquid Extraction Applied for the Analysis of Chemical Warfare Agents
Keywords: µSPE, liquid-liquid extraction, chemical warfare agents, automation, sample handling, sample preparation
Separations 2019, 6, 49 (OPEN ACCESS)

A Flow Reactor with Inline Analytics: Design and Implementation
Keywords: continous flow system, inline analytics, critical process parameters,  reaction process, Claisen rearrangement
Org. Process Rev. Dev, 2014, 18 (11), 1315–1320

Carbon Isotope Ratio Analysis of Steroids by High-Temperature Liquid Chromatography-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
Keywords: compound-specific isotope analysis, steroids, isotope ratio mass spectrometry, LC/IRMS
Anal. Chem. 2014, 86, 2297−2302

Microwave-assisted nonionic surfactant extraction of aliphatic hydrocarbons from petroleum source rock
Keywords: microwave extraction, surfactant, aliphatic hydrocarbons, rock, in-tube extraction, ITEX, geochemical evaluation
Analytica Chimica Acta 691 (2011) 48–55


How to save money and time doing Sample Prep

How to save money and time doing Sample Prep

  • Learn about the importance of fundamental aspects of sample preparation and modern, sustainable sample preparation technologies
  • Find out about the latest innovations in sample preparation in environmental analysis
  • Learn about new materials used in sample preparation

Presented by:
Günter Boehm, PhD, VP Sample Prep Solutions, CTC Analytics AG

Automated pipetting and analysis of polymer suspensions for process control in chemical production

Automated pipetting and analysis of polymer suspensions for process control in chemical production

Pipetting suspensions for process control in chemical production

Automated Sample Preparation for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring by LC/MS

Automated Sample Preparation for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring by LC/MS

Automated sample preparation reduces the costs per sample and avoids sample handling errors. This is especially important in therapeutic drug monitoring or diagnostics based on blood samples.

Automated Sample Prep Workflows: Save money and time

Automated Sample Prep Workflows: Save money and time

This compendium on instrumental sample preparation showcases the many proven solutions of automated sample preparation workflows for food, environmental, pharma, life science analysis, and beyond. 

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