集成的PAL Vortex Mixer可对于不混溶的溶剂也能提供最强的混合力,例如液体/液体提取、分散固体/液体悬浮液等自动化工作流程的任何需求,甚至可将样品瓶扩大至40 mL小瓶。
How to use PAL Method Composer
Automated Parallel Derivatization of Metabolites
For metabolite profiling chemical derivatization has been used to improve MS sensitivity and LC retention. However, for multi-analytes quantification, the number of available isotopically labelled internal standards is limited. And, there is no single workflow which can provide large-scale metabolomics coverage in particular for polar metabolites.
Presented by:
Prof. Gerard Hopfgartner, Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry, Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, University of Geneva
Automated Sample Preperation for LC/MS and GC/MS - Solutions for Food and Environmental Analysis
In this presentation we want to discuss an important development and a demand from analytical laboratories about the standardization and the automation of sample preparation procedures for food safety, environmental, the forensic or pharmaceutical analysis.
Presented by:
Hans-Joachim Huebschmann, PhD
A single-sample workflow for joint metabolomic and proteomic analysis ofclinical specimens
Integrating proteomic and metabolomic data enhances ourunderstanding of biological processes and diseasemechanisms. Traditional multi-omics workflows often requireseparate sample processing, leading to increased variability.To address this, we developed MTBE-SP3, an optimizedsingle-sample workflow that combines a 75% EtOH/MTBEmetabolite extraction with automated single-pot solid-phase-enhanced sample preparation for proteins.
Automated Workflow for the determintation of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME)
This work presents a fully automated workflow using a workstation with robotic tool change (RTC based on a method using sodium methoxide in methanol as reactant .The workflow improves process safety, optimizes throughput and minimizes handling error.