SPME: 固相微萃取
SPME: 固相微萃取



  • PAL System提供传统的SPME Fiber以及新开发的更灵敏的SPME Arrow技术。

  • SPME Arrow非常坚固,可提供更高的吸附剂体积和表面。使用SPME Arrow速度更快、灵敏度更高。

  • 这两种技术都使用搅拌器进行孵化,Arrow也使用一个加热装置,用于磁力搅拌样品瓶。

  • 极性分析物的纤维头上衍生用于GC分析也可以整合进自动化工作流程中。

  • 极性分析物的浸入式提取和在纤维头上衍生用于GC或LC分析也可以整合进自动化工作流程中。

  • SPME取样只需要几克或几毫升的少量样品。

  • 使用流通池可实现在线分析。

  • 更多关于微量法的实用性和优势




更好的 SPME

PAL 智能 SPME 光纤

PAL 智能 SPME 光纤


How to install the SPME MultiGuide in SPME Fiber Tools

SPME MultiGuide

SPME MultiGuide

Easily switch form SPME Fiber to SPME Arrow without changing the Tool.

Automated Sample Preperation for LC/MS and GC/MS - Solutions for Food and Environmental Analysis

Automated Sample Preperation for LC/MS and GC/MS - Solutions for Food and Environmental Analysis

In this presentation we want to discuss an important development and a demand from analytical laboratories about the standardization and the automation of sample preparation procedures for food safety, environmental, the forensic or pharmaceutical analysis.

Presented by:
Hans-Joachim Huebschmann, PhD

Flavor and Off-Flavor Analysis using Solid Phase Microextraction

Flavor and Off-Flavor Analysis using Solid Phase Microextraction

Solid Phase Micro Extraction (SPME) is widely used for chemical analysis of foods, beverages and food contact materials. As an automated technique, the SPME applications are selected for their simplicity, throughput and extraction efficiency.  As a solvent-free extraction, it is gains even more importance today as a green analytic technique. Besides the traditional SPME Fiber, the new SPME Arrow is enhancing trace level sensitivity at high mechanical robustness. With these features, this presentation will give insight on SPME analysis in coffee, wine and off-flavors. 

Presented by:

Erich Leitner, Graz University of Technology Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Food Chemistry

Stefan Cretnik, PhD, Product Manager, CTC Analytics AG

Determination of C2-C12 aldehydes in water by SPME Arrow on-fiber derivatization and GC/MS

Determination of C2-C12 aldehydes in water by SPME Arrow on-fiber derivatization and GC/MS

The method employing a SPME Arrow allows for the quantitation of water samples down to 50 ng/l for most of the described aldehydes with good precision.
A previous publication applying traditional standard SPME fibers and GC/MS achieved sensitivities down to 120-340 ng/l in spiked samples for C1, C3-C5

Determination of contaminating fragrances in fish by PAL SPME Arrow and GC-MS/MS

Determination of contaminating fragrances in fish by PAL SPME Arrow and GC-MS/MS

A method for the quantitative analysis of 9 polycyclic and nitro musk fragrances from fish samples by PAL SPME Arrow and GC-MS/MS has been developed.

PAL Smart SPME Arrow

PAL Smart SPME Arrow

General Information for PAL Smart SPME Arrows

PAL Smart SPME Fiber

PAL Smart SPME Fiber

General Information for PAL Smart SPME Fibers

Enhanced Method Development Capabilities with Automated SPME Extraction Optimization

Enhanced Method Development Capabilities with Automated SPME Extraction Optimization

A workflow is described that enables the automated selection of the most suitable extraction conditions (type of fiber, extraction time and temperature) for the GC/MS analysis of a number of contaminants in oil and water samples.

Fully Automated Analysis of E-Cigarette Juice

Fully Automated Analysis of E-Cigarette Juice

Static headspace for the main volatiles and HS-SPME extraction are combined in one workflow for comprehensive analysis of main and trace components.

PAL SPME Fiber Conditioning Module

PAL SPME Fiber Conditioning Module

Edition 5

PAL Ingenious News April 2021

PAL Ingenious News April 2021

  • Drinking Water Quality Control - Screening for 57 Odorous Substances using SPME Arrow
  • New arrivals - PAL Centrifuge
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