Tenax TA:挥发性和半挥发性化合物,温度极限为350摄氏度
Analysis of flavors, pesticides, and biomarkers directly from complex food matrix using the automated Vacuum In-Tube Extraction (V-ITEX)
Extraction of volatile compounds is a widely used approach for analysis of foods and beverages. By the nature of gas phase sampling, the limiting factor for polar analytes are given by low vapor pressure or higher boiling points of semi-volatile compounds. These limitations can be overcome by sampling at decreased pressure levels using vacuum conditions. This has been shown in several publications using vacuum sampling techniques. In this study, a fully automated approach of Vacuum In-Tube Extraction (V-ITEX) is presented, a simple and fully automated technique using PAL system autosamplers. The application examples include flavors, fragrances, off-flavors, pesticides and biomarkers by extractions directly from the food sample matrix, such as Honey, Bee Wax, Cheese, Onions, Blood and Urine.
Presented by:
Pascal Fuchsmann, Head of Flavor Analytics Agroscope
Stefan Cretnik, Product Manager CTC Analytics AG
A Comparison of ITEX Dynamic Headspace–GC/MS to other Enrichment Techniques for Analysis of Flavoring Compounds
The automated ITEX Dynamic Headspace unit demonstrated equivalent accuracy and precision when compared to purge and trap and overall was more sensitive than the other enrichment techniques. The ITEX unit allows for automated analysis and optimization of conditions which drastically reduces analyst’s time when compared to performing the experiments manually with the purge and trap without any reduction in sensitivity, accuracy and reproducibility.