PAL系统配置器一步一步地引导你到一个以图形组成的系统,满足你的具体要求。它可以防止错误的装配,验证所选的选项,并将您的选择保存在一个配置文件中。仪器配置可以以PDF或图像的形式导出。该PDF文件还包含了所含模块和工具的技术规格。PAL系统配置器可以在下载后直接运行。不需要安装,因此不需要管理员权限来使用该应用程序。操作说明和更多细节在应用程序启动后的菜单条目 "帮助 "中提供。
Standardized - From Study Design to Multi-Omics Integration in Metabolomics Workflows
We will discuss common pitfalls, things to look out for, especially in the pre-analytical phase, extractions (from monophasic to biphasic extractions) and talk about the integration of different -omics.
At a glance:
Advancing PFAS Analysis - Robotic Automation and Streamlined LC/MS Workflows
To support the scientific community and advance PFAS analysis we are proud to offer a webinar on this topic.
Key topics:
Fully Automated QuEChERS Extraction and µSPE Clean-up of Organophosphate Pesticides in Orange Juice
Chiew Mei Chong1, Hans-Joachim Hübschmann2
1 CTC Analytics Pte. Ltd., Singapore.
2 HANS Analytical Solutions, Osaka, Japan.
High-throughput Analysis of 1,4-Dioxane in Drinking Water using SPME Arrow–Trap with Multi-Step Enrichment
This application note showcases Solid Phase Micro Extraction (SPME) Arrow-trap technology, combined with multi-step enrichment (MSE) on the PAL3-Centri® platform and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), to analyze 1,4-dioxane in water samples. The method successfully detects 1,4-dioxane at levels as low as 0.01 μg/L (10 ppt), surpassing the detection limits required by German REACH and US EPA regulations.
Streamlining Metabolomic Analyses with Automated Derivatization and Injection Workflows
Metabolites, the dynamic molecules reflecting cellular processes, hold the potential for understanding health, disease, and
biological systems. To unlock this potential, metabolomic analyses require precise and reliable analytical methods. This App Note
explores the workflow of the Metabolomics Core Technology Platform (MCTP), a core facility of Heidelberg University (Germany),
discussing their semi-automated analysis for untargeted metabolomics and ¹³C tracing studies via gas chromatography-mass
spectrometry (GC/MS).
A single-sample workflow for joint metabolomic and proteomic analysis ofclinical specimens
Integrating proteomic and metabolomic data enhances ourunderstanding of biological processes and diseasemechanisms. Traditional multi-omics workflows often requireseparate sample processing, leading to increased variability.To address this, we developed MTBE-SP3, an optimizedsingle-sample workflow that combines a 75% EtOH/MTBEmetabolite extraction with automated single-pot solid-phase-enhanced sample preparation for proteins.
Fully Automated Sample Preparation and Untargeted 2D-LC-Mass Spectrometry Workflow for Glycerophospholipid Analysis in Plasma
We developed an integrated workflow combining HILIC-LC-SWATH-MS for quantitative analysis and 2D-LC HILIC x RPLC DDA-EAD/MRMHR-EAD for qualitative characterization of complex lipidomes,particularly glycerophospholipids.