药物和法医分析涉及生物样本,通常是具 有挑战性的复杂基质。PAL系统为活性药物 成分、非法药物、有毒化合物的自动化分 析以及残留物分析提供了行之有效的工作 流程。
活性药品中的亚硝胺备受关注。采用液液体 萃取的PAL System上的全自动样品制备包括涡 流、离心和蒸发,用于直接进样到LCHRMS。
USP 467标准方法控制药品中残留溶剂是制 药行业中最常用的顶空方法。PAL System可 提供高精度的样品制备,用于气相色谱-质 谱联用的顶空分析。
为了在法医实验室分析非法药物,通常要 在PAL System上对尿液或头发样本进行自 动样本制备。干血点分析(DBS)在 PALSystem上完全自动化。此外,微型 SPE(uSPE)也可用于分析血清样本中的 精神活性物质、非法药物控制或TDU疼痛 管理。
Simultaneous Analysis of 22 Volatile Organic Compounds in Cigarette Smoke Using Gas Sampling Bags for High-Throughput Solid-Phase Microextraction
Keywords: SPME, GC-MS, VOCs, cigarette smoke
Anal Chem. 2014 Jul 15;86(14):7088-95
Determination of cotinine by LC-MS-MS with automated solid-phase extraction (open access article)
Keywords: cigarette smoke exposure, nicotin, metabolite, quantification cotinine, ITSP, µSPE, LC/MS
J. Chromatogr Sci. 2013; 52 (4) 351-6
Evaluation of a novel commercial assay for the determination of cyclosporine A, tacrolimus, sirolimus and everolimus by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric assay
Keywords: immunosuppressant, blood samples, in-vitro diagnostic (IVD)- mass spectrometric immunosuppressant assay, LC/MS
Ther Drug Monit 2013 35(1): 129-32
Pancreatic carcinoma, pancreatitis, and healthy controls: metabolite models in a three-class diagnostic dilemma
Keywords: Amino acids, marker panels, metabolomics, modeling, pancreatic cancer, LC-MS
Metabolomics (2013) 9:677-687
Pharmacokinects of intraluminally administered serum papaverine for spasm prophylaxis of the internal mammery artery
Keywords: coronary artery bypass grafting, papaverine in plasma, HTS high-throughput screening, LC-MS/MS
Heart Surg Forum. 2013 Oct, 16(5):E266-70
Standardized LC–MS/MS based steroid hormone profile-analysis
J Steroid Biochem & Mol Biol 129 (2012) 129– 138
Comparison between a high-resolution single-stage Orbitrap and a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer for quantitative analyses of drugs
Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2012, 26, 499–509
Highly selective isolation and separation of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and 3-epi-25-hydroxyvitamin D metabolites from serum.
Bioanalysis. 2012 (22):2681-91
Headspace In-Tube Extraction Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry for the Analysis of Hydroxylic Methyl-Derivatized and Volatile Organic Compounds in Blood and Urine
Keywords: ITEX, GC-MS
J Analytical Toxicology, 34, 2010, 113-121
Breath biomarkers for lung cancer detection and assessment of smoking related effects - confounding variables, influence of normalization and statistical algorithms
Clin Chim Acta 411 (2010) 1637-1644
A simple automated solid-phase extraction procedure for measurement of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and D2 by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
Keywords: 25-hydroxyvitamin D, ITSP, µSPE, LC/MS/MS,
Ann Clin Biochem 2009; 46: 226–230
Automated Parallel Derivatization of Metabolites
For metabolite profiling chemical derivatization has been used to improve MS sensitivity and LC retention. However, for multi-analytes quantification, the number of available isotopically labelled internal standards is limited. And, there is no single workflow which can provide large-scale metabolomics coverage in particular for polar metabolites.
Presented by:
Prof. Gerard Hopfgartner, Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry, Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, University of Geneva
How to save money and time doing Sample Prep
Presented by:
Günter Boehm, PhD, VP Sample Prep Solutions, CTC Analytics AG
Automated Parallel Derivatization Strategy with Broad Metabolite Coverage Coupled to SWATH/MS Data Acquisition for Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis
Due to the high dynamic range of different metabolites, SWATH/MS data acqusition allows the quatification on both precursor and product ion level including flexibility of the quantifier choice.
Untargeted 2DxLC-Mass Spectrometry using SWATH-DIA-Based Workflow for the Characterization of Lipid Profiles in Plasma Samples
The use of lipidomic analyses based on LC-mass spectrometry has become widespread due to its sensitivity and specificity which provides a broader picture of lipid profiles in biofluids. In this work, we combined an automated sample extraction and a two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2DxLC) system with HILIC-based class separation followed by an orthogonal reverse-phase chromatography with an untargeted SWATH-DIA workflow to accurately annotate phosphatidylcholines (PC), lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) and etherphosphatidylcholines (PC O-) in human plasma samples.