

药物和法医分析涉及生物样本,通常是具 有挑战性的复杂基质。PAL系统为活性药物 成分、非法药物、有毒化合物的自动化分 析以及残留物分析提供了行之有效的工作 流程。

活性药品中的亚硝胺备受关注。采用液液体 萃取的PAL System上的全自动样品制备包括涡 流、离心和蒸发,用于直接进样到LCHRMS。

USP 467标准方法控制药品中残留溶剂是制 药行业中最常用的顶空方法。PAL System可 提供高精度的样品制备,用于气相色谱-质 谱联用的顶空分析。

为了在法医实验室分析非法药物,通常要 在PAL System上对尿液或头发样本进行自 动样本制备。干血点分析(DBS)在 PALSystem上完全自动化。此外,微型 SPE(uSPE)也可用于分析血清样本中的 精神活性物质、非法药物控制或TDU疼痛 管理。



Simultaneous Analysis of 22 Volatile Organic Compounds in Cigarette Smoke Using Gas Sampling Bags for High-Throughput Solid-Phase Microextraction
Keywords: SPME, GC-MS, VOCs, cigarette smoke
Anal Chem. 2014 Jul 15;86(14):7088-95

Determination of cotinine by LC-MS-MS with automated solid-phase extraction (open access article)
Keywords: cigarette smoke exposure, nicotin, metabolite, quantification cotinine, ITSP, µSPE, LC/MS
J. Chromatogr Sci. 2013; 52 (4) 351-6

Evaluation of a novel commercial assay for the determination of cyclosporine A, tacrolimus, sirolimus and everolimus by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric assay
Keywords: immunosuppressant, blood samples, in-vitro diagnostic (IVD)- mass spectrometric immunosuppressant assay, LC/MS
Ther Drug Monit 2013 35(1): 129-32

Pancreatic carcinoma, pancreatitis, and healthy controls: metabolite models in a three-class diagnostic dilemma
Keywords: Amino acids, marker panels, metabolomics, modeling, pancreatic cancer, LC-MS
Metabolomics (2013) 9:677-687

Pharmacokinects of intraluminally administered serum papaverine for spasm prophylaxis of the internal mammery artery
Keywords: coronary artery bypass grafting, papaverine in plasma, HTS high-throughput screening, LC-MS/MS
Heart Surg Forum. 2013 Oct, 16(5):E266-70

Standardized LC–MS/MS based steroid hormone profile-analysis
J Steroid Biochem & Mol Biol 129 (2012) 129– 138

Comparison between a high-resolution single-stage Orbitrap and a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer for quantitative analyses of drugs
Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2012, 26, 499–509

Highly selective isolation and separation of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and 3-epi-25-hydroxyvitamin D metabolites from serum.
Bioanalysis. 2012 (22):2681-91

Headspace In-Tube Extraction Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry for the Analysis of Hydroxylic Methyl-Derivatized and Volatile Organic Compounds in Blood and Urine
Keywords: ITEX, GC-MS
J Analytical Toxicology, 34, 2010, 113-121

Breath biomarkers for lung cancer detection and assessment of smoking related effects - confounding variables, influence of normalization and statistical algorithms
Clin Chim Acta 411 (2010) 1637-1644

A simple automated solid-phase extraction procedure for measurement of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and D2 by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
Keywords: 25-hydroxyvitamin D, ITSP, µSPE, LC/MS/MS,
Ann Clin Biochem 2009; 46: 226–230





Three new LC-MS Tools, all equipped with Smart Syringes.

Automated Parallel Derivatization of Metabolites

Automated Parallel Derivatization of Metabolites

For metabolite profiling chemical derivatization has been used to improve MS sensitivity and LC retention. However, for multi-analytes quantification, the number of available isotopically labelled internal standards is limited. And, there is no single workflow which can provide large-scale metabolomics coverage in particular for polar metabolites.

Presented by:
Prof. Gerard Hopfgartner, Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry, Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, University of Geneva

How to save money and time doing Sample Prep

How to save money and time doing Sample Prep

  • Learn about the importance of fundamental aspects of sample preparation and modern, sustainable sample preparation technologies
  • Find out about the latest innovations in sample preparation in environmental analysis
  • Learn about new materials used in sample preparation

Presented by:
Günter Boehm, PhD, VP Sample Prep Solutions, CTC Analytics AG

Automated Determination of Drugs of Abuse in Hair Samples

Automated Determination of Drugs of Abuse in Hair Samples

Hair testing is a powerful tool routinely used for the detection of drugs of abuse in forensic and toxicology applications.

Automated Parallel Derivatization Strategy with Broad Metabolite Coverage Coupled to SWATH/MS Data Acquisition for Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis

Automated Parallel Derivatization Strategy with Broad Metabolite Coverage Coupled to SWATH/MS Data Acquisition for Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis

 Due to the high dynamic range of different metabolites, SWATH/MS data acqusition allows the quatification on both precursor and product ion level including flexibility of the quantifier choice.

Automated Sample Prep Workflows: Save money and time

Automated Sample Prep Workflows: Save money and time

This compendium on instrumental sample preparation showcases the many proven solutions of automated sample preparation workflows for food, environmental, pharma, life science analysis, and beyond. 

Static and Dynamic Headspace Analysis

Static and Dynamic Headspace Analysis

The PAL Compendium

Novel Automated Sample Clean-up: First Comprehensive Evalulation of Different Filtration Devices for x-y-z Robots

Novel Automated Sample Clean-up: First Comprehensive Evalulation of Different Filtration Devices for x-y-z Robots

In our study we evaluate the available filtration options for x-y-z robots and some not-yet commercially available filtration devices prototypes.

Untargeted 2DxLC-Mass Spectrometry using SWATH-DIA-Based Workflow for the Characterization of Lipid Profiles in Plasma Samples

Untargeted 2DxLC-Mass Spectrometry using SWATH-DIA-Based Workflow for the Characterization of Lipid Profiles in Plasma Samples

The use of lipidomic analyses based on LC-mass spectrometry has become widespread due to its sensitivity and specificity which provides a broader picture of lipid profiles in biofluids. In this work, we combined an automated sample extraction and a two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2DxLC) system with HILIC-based class separation followed by an orthogonal reverse-phase chromatography with an untargeted SWATH-DIA workflow to accurately annotate phosphatidylcholines (PC), lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) and etherphosphatidylcholines (PC O-) in human plasma samples.

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