SPME是一种真正的无溶剂和绿色分析技术,也是一种非常有效的自动化样品制备方法。PAL SPME Fiber已被开发并优化用
Unlock the complete potential of SPME Arrows, even with your current Fiber tool. The new SPME MultiGuide benefits all SPME user - from Fiber tool users who are interested in an upgrade to SPME enthusiasts ready to get started with a SPME Arrow kit.
Transition seamlessly to SPME Arrows and incorporate their superior performance into your current processes without the need for new equipment or methods. Enjoy heightened sensitivity, improved durability, and cost-effective advantages with SPME Arrows. Upgrade your SPME Fiber tool to fit SPME Arrows (1.1.mm).
Start your work with SPME Arrows by acquiring the SPME Arrow Kit, which includes the innovative SPME MultiGuide. Enjoy workflow flexibility and streamline SPME Arrow extractions by routinely utilizing your agitator module. Additional modules like the Heatex Stirrer are available as optional modules and only recommended for immersion applications or trace analyses. The SPME MultiGuide lowers the initial costs of a SPME Arrow drastically, making it accessible for more laboratories.
关于智能SPME Fiber的规格和操作的详细信息已经可用。在PAL RTC和RSI 上自动化使用SPME Fiber工具已经可行,同时也需要最高可升温至200摄
氏度的顶空孵化炉模块用于样品搅拌和富集,以及SPME Fiber老化模块。
PAL智能SPME Fiber订购可选择每盒一支装、三支装或五支装。
PAL智能SPME Fiber可与所有PAL3 Systems配合使用,但是要使用智能功能(ID、可追溯性、使用历史),需要PAL3 Series II平台。
How to install the SPME MultiGuide in SPME Fiber Tools
Flavor and Off-Flavor Analysis using Solid Phase Microextraction
Solid Phase Micro Extraction (SPME) is widely used for chemical analysis of foods, beverages and food contact materials. As an automated technique, the SPME applications are selected for their simplicity, throughput and extraction efficiency. As a solvent-free extraction, it is gains even more importance today as a green analytic technique. Besides the traditional SPME Fiber, the new SPME Arrow is enhancing trace level sensitivity at high mechanical robustness. With these features, this presentation will give insight on SPME analysis in coffee, wine and off-flavors.
Presented by:
Erich Leitner, Graz University of Technology Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Food Chemistry
Stefan Cretnik, PhD, Product Manager, CTC Analytics AG
PAL Smart SPME Fiber
General Information for PAL Smart SPME Fibers
Enhanced Method Development Capabilities with Automated SPME Extraction Optimization
A workflow is described that enables the automated selection of the most suitable extraction conditions (type of fiber, extraction time and temperature) for the GC/MS analysis of a number of contaminants in oil and water samples.