
Facilitate your Liquid Extraction, Protein Precipitation with Automated Centrifugation

Centrifugation is a vital step in many sample preparation workflows. Analytical automated centrifugation is used for the efficient sedimentation of precipitates from samples like surface, wastewater or sludge. It is also used for the phase separation after a liquid/liquid extraction (LLE, DLLME), or protein precipitation after denaturation. Just to mention a few of the many applications where centrifugation greatly facilitates the sample preparation.

The PAL Centrifuge is compact, does not cover benchspace, and is fully integrated into automated workflows quickly created by the handy PAL Method Composer.

Automated Centrifugation
  • The air cooled PAL Centrifuge is uniquely certified for the operation of flammable liquids like the often used hydrocarbon solvents, alcohols or ethers in capped vials.

  • Automated centrifugation can be efficiently integrated in many workflows. Tedious and error prone off line steps are elimintated. Centrifuges with rotors for 2 ml, 10 ml, or combined (2/10/20 ml) with relative centrifugational force (RCF) of up to 5000 g are available.

  • Translate your current centrifuge rotating speed in rounds-per-minute (rpm) into the gravitational force value (g force). A centrifuge specification in rpm without information on the radius is meaningless, and does not compare. For a known centrifuge from the radius in cm and speed in rpm the g force conversion is calculated with the following formula:

     g force (RCF) = 1.118 · 10-5 · r · rpm2 
     RCF: the relative centrifugational force, expressed in multiples of g
     r:       the rotor radius from center to the vial bottom [cm]
     rpm:  the rotation speed in rotations per minute [min-1]

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