Dilution & Standard Addition
Dilution & Standard Addition

Dilution & Standard Addition - Different Approaches to Automated Dilution Workflows with the PAL System

Dilutions of analytical standards for quantitative calibration are the daily time-consuming and most performance-critical tasks in every laboratory. Manual preparations are known for individual bias. With PAL Systems the calibration dilution is typically integrated into sample preparation and analysis workflows to enable the most accurate and precise calibration within the sample series. The workflows are fully automated, eliminating the need for manual interaction. In addition, for traceability, the dilution procedure is well documented.

Dilution & Standard Addition
  • The PAL System performs Dilution & Standard Addition steps in highest precision and repeatability either using PAL Syringe, Pipette or Dilutor Tools. Typical examples are the dilution of standards for calibration curves, also with internal standards, for quantitation, or the spiking of blank samples for recovery experiments. Highly concentrated commercial standards can be diluted in a geometrical series for working standards in the desired concentration.

  • The dilution workflows and generation of quantitative calibrations usually are an integrated part of many sample preparation workflows.

  • Precious reference standards are stored for workflow access in cooled trays. The piercing of septa is avoided by uncapping vials using an integrated Decapper for 2 to 40 ml screw capped vials.

  • The European Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (SANTE) [1] regulates the requirements for the generation of calibration standards. The PAL System implements SANTE compliant workflows for standards handling and traceable operation. 

Standard addition
  • The standard addition method for quantitative calibration is well-known but not limited to headspace analysis. Marix effects are avoided by adding different standard concentrations to several vials with the same sample. The standard addition quantitation is a safe measure for confirmatory quantitative analyses in cases of MRL exceedances. 

  • The PAL Systems offers proven automated workflows for Dilution & Standard Addition carrying out the neessary pipetting steps to the sample vials, vortexing the vials and executing the online injection for analysis in highest precision.


[1] SANTE/12682/2019 (Implemented by 01.01.2020). 2019.
“Guidance Document on Analytical Quality Control and Method Validation Procedures for Pesticides Residues Analysis in Food and Feed”.
European Commission Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety. doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.33021.77283.

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