Smart SPME Fibers for Solid Phase Micro Extraction
Smart SPME Fibers for Solid Phase Micro Extraction

Smart SPME Fibers - Excellent extraction properties

Smart SPME Fibers have been developed and optimized for automation and featuring excellent extraction properties combined with smart handling and operational safety. SPME is a true solventless and green analytical technique and a very effective way of automated sample preparation.

Smart SPME Fibers Collection

Key functionality of Smart SPME Fibers:

  • 7 different coating materials and film thickness 

  • Color coded to indicate SPME Fiber coating and different film thicknesses

  • Integrated holder design facilitates installation and maintance


Smart SPME Fiber Close up

Benefits of Smart SPME Fibers:

  • Excellent extraction properties

  • Proven performance for many exiting standard methods

  • Designed for headspace sampling

  • Full traceability thanks to smart technology


SPME MultiGuide to upgrade to SPME Arrow Tool

New: Introducing the SPME MultiGuide 

Unlock the complete potential of SPME Arrows, even with your current SPME Fiber Tool. The new SPME MultiGuide benefits all SPME user who are interested in applying SPME Arrows.

For Smart SPME Fiber Users - Upgrade

Transition seamlessly to PAL SPME Arrows and incorporate their superior performance into your current processes without the need for new equipment or methods. Enjoy heightened sensitivity, improved durability, and cost-effective advantages with SPME Arrows. Upgrade your SPME Fiber Tool to fit SPME Arrows ( using the SPME MultiGuide.

For Smart SPME Arrow Users - Get started

Start your work with PAL SPME Arrow and the SPME Arrow Tool. In the coming months, we will transition all SPME Arrow Tools to include the
innovative SPME MultiGuide. Enjoy workflow flexibility and streamline SPME Arrow extractions by routinely utilizing your Agitator.
Additional modules like the Heatex Stirrer are available as optional modules and only recommended for immersion applications or trace
analyses. The SPME MultiGuide lowers the initial costs of a SPME Arrow drastically, making it accessible for more laboratories.

Smart SPME Fiber Selection Guide

Smart SPME Fiber sorbent Selection Guide
Smart SPME Fiber Color code for sorbent and thickness

Detailed information on the specifications and handling of Smart SPME Fibers are available. For automation of SPME with the PAL RTC and PAL RSI a SPME Starter Kit is available, as well as an Agitator for agitation/sample enrichment at up to 200°C and a SPME Fiber Conditioning Module

The PAL Smart SPME Fibers are available in order quantities of one, three or five Smart SPME Fibers per box.
For method development, a set of each fiber type (set of five) is available.

PAL Smart SPME Fibers work with all the PAL3 Systems, however to use the smart capabilities (ID, traceability, usage history) the PAL3 Series II System is required.

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Flavor and Off-Flavor Analysis using Solid Phase Microextraction

Flavor and Off-Flavor Analysis using Solid Phase Microextraction

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Presented by:

Erich Leitner, Graz University of Technology Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Food Chemistry

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Meat analysis: Method validation for boar taint analytics by SPME-GC/MS Investigation of different SPME coatings
Application Notes

Meat analysis: Method validation for boar taint analytics by SPME-GC/MS Investigation of different SPME coatings

The aim of this work was the determination of an optimal SPME Fiber for extraction of boar taint causing compounds. For this purpose, different SPME Fibers were tested and compared with respect to their extraction performance.

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Application Notes

GC/MS determination of stale aldehydes in beer by SPME on-fibre derivatization

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PAL Smart SPME Fiber
Care & User (handling) Guides

PAL Smart SPME Fiber

General Information for PAL Smart SPME Fibers

Enhanced Method Development Capabilities with Automated SPME Extraction Optimization

Enhanced Method Development Capabilities with Automated SPME Extraction Optimization

A workflow is described that enables the automated selection of the most suitable extraction conditions (type of fiber, extraction time and temperature) for the GC/MS analysis of a number of contaminants in oil and water samples.

PAL SPME Fiber Conditioning Module

PAL SPME Fiber Conditioning Module

Edition 5

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