
Chronos Software for Efficient Operation of PAL Systems

Chronos software controlls the latest generation of PALs. It interfaces seamlessly with many common CDS and MS-data systems  or can be used for offline sample preparation. With a few clicks you can import or generate sample lists and start the data acquisition. Or you can quickly set up workflows to eliminate tedious manual operations.  Chronos allows overlapping of time consuming steps. This increases sample throughput greatly and boosts productivity.

Chronos Sample List View

Easy to use routine software

Chronos software is the user-friendly tool for the daily routine jobs. With a few clicks sample lists are generated or imported. Now Chronos starts the operation and the data acquisition. Since Chronos interfaces seamlessly with most of the major chromatographic or MS data systems only one sample list has to be handled. Different user levels ensure process safety. 

CHRONOS Software key features:

  • Control of multiple PAL3 systems and PAL-xt's

  • Management of multiple sample lists

  • Sending SMS notifications

  • Supports a plugin interface which allows implementation of additional devices and custom features

Chronos Software Supported CDS and MS-Data Systems

Agilent ChemStation, GC, LC and MSD

Agilent GC/MS MassHunter 10.1.49

Agilent LC MassHunter 11.0

Agilent OpenLAB ChemStation and EZChrom

Bruker MS Workstation 

DataApex Clarity 

Sciex Analyst 

Sciex OS 2.1.6 or higher

Shimadzu GCMSSolutions

Shimadzu LabSolutions

Thermo Omnic 

Thermo Xcalibur 1.4 bis 4.0, LC and GC

Waters MassLynx 4.2



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