
Dr. Hagen Gegner is an interdisciplinary scientist with expertise in metabolomics, mass spectrometry, and science communication. He earned his Ph.D. from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), where his research focused on understanding the impact of environmental factors on coral reef ecosystems using metabolomics approaches. He then completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Heidelberg, further developing his expertise in targeted metabolomics method development and application in clinical research. Hagen has a proven track record in method development, workflow optimization, and automation using liquid chromatography (LC) coupled to mass spectrometers (MS). He has worked in both academic and corporate settings, leading data generation, analysis, and reporting for clinical as well as toxicology studies.His expertise lies in targeted metabolomics method development and the implementation of quality assurance strategies. He has a deep understanding of the challenges associated with metabolomics sample preparation and study design, particularly in clinical settings. 


Hagen's recent publications highlight his expertise in the field of metabolomics and sample preparation:

Deep Metabolic Profiling Assessment of Tissue Extraction Protocols for Three Model Organisms (Frontiers in Chemistry, 2022). This publication provides a systematic evaluation of various extraction protocols for metabolomics analysis in model organisms, emphasizing the importance of selecting appropriate methods for different sample types and research questions.

Pre-analytical processing of plasma and serum samples for combined proteome and metabolome analysis (Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 2022). This publication underscores the importance of standardized sample handling procedures to ensure robust and reproducible results in metabolomics and proteomics studies.

A single-sample workflow for joint metabolomic and proteomic analysis of clinical specimens (Clinical Proteomics, 2024). This work introduces an optimized workflow for the combined analysis of proteins and metabolites from a single sample, addressing the critical need for reducing sample variability and maximizing data output in clinical research.

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