PAL Vials & Caps
PAL Vials & Caps

PAL Vials and Caps

PAL Vials and Caps

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How to save money and time doing Sample Prep

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Presented by:
Günter Boehm, PhD, VP Sample Prep Solutions, CTC Analytics AG

Improved Peak Shapes for High Organic Samples: Sandwich Injections
Application Notes

Improved Peak Shapes for High Organic Samples: Sandwich Injections

Using a sandwich injection mode with the PAL LC/MS-P Tool enables improvements in peak shape and chromatography for samples containing a high percentage organic composition when injected into a high aqueous mobile phase.

Automated pipetting and analysis of polymer suspensions for process control in chemical production
Application Notes

Automated pipetting and analysis of polymer suspensions for process control in chemical production

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Automated Sample Prep Workflows: Save money and time

Automated Sample Prep Workflows: Save money and time

This compendium on instrumental sample preparation showcases the many proven solutions of automated sample preparation workflows for food, environmental, pharma, life science analysis, and beyond. 

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T + 41 61 765 81 00


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