SPME Fibers for PAL Combi-xt
SPME Fibers for PAL Combi-xt

SPME Fibers for PAL Combi-xt

SPME is a true solventless and green analytical technique and a very effective way of automated sample preparation. It is used for extracting organics from a matrix (solid, liquid or gaseous) into a stationary phase immobilized on a fiber. The analytes are thermally desorbed directly in the injector of a gas chromatograph. Originally mostly used for extracting solvents with excellent sensitivities from aqueous matrices the range of applications today spans from chemical and environmental to medical applications.


SPME Fibers Collection
  • Since its introduction by Pawliszyn et al. (ref. 1) Solid Phase Micro Extraction has seen a tremendous development.
  • PAL SPME Fibers have been developed and optimized for the most successful sampler, the PAL System autosampler. They are offered with different coatings and film thicknesses. Their excellent extraction properties have been demonstrated for important applications and are compared to fibers available in the market
    PAL SPME Fiber comparison).

Detailed information on the specifications and handling of SPME Fibers are available. 


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Optimized for Automation

Meat analysis: Method validation for boar taint analytics by SPME-GC/MS Investigation of different SPME coatings
Application Notes

Meat analysis: Method validation for boar taint analytics by SPME-GC/MS Investigation of different SPME coatings

The aim of this work was the determination of an optimal SPME Fiber for extraction of boar taint causing compounds. For this purpose, different SPME Fibers were tested and compared with respect to their extraction performance.

GC/MS determination of stale aldehydes in beer by SPME on-fibre derivatization
Application Notes

GC/MS determination of stale aldehydes in beer by SPME on-fibre derivatization

The obvious advantage of the SPME/GC-MS method to analyze stale aldehydes in beer gives a rapid extraction and better separation with small sample volumes. It is a very suitable solution for the monitoring of the status of beer aging and keep it as its best quality.

Care & User (handling) Guides


General Information for PAL SPME Fibers

Enhanced Method Development Capabilities with Automated SPME Extraction Optimization

Enhanced Method Development Capabilities with Automated SPME Extraction Optimization

A workflow is described that enables the automated selection of the most suitable extraction conditions (type of fiber, extraction time and temperature) for the GC/MS analysis of a number of contaminants in oil and water samples.

Comparison of PAL SPME Fibers with established Fibers
Technical Information / Specifications

Comparison of PAL SPME Fibers with established Fibers

The performance of SPME Fibers is an essential aspect of an analytical method. This study shows the comparison of three different SPME Fibers of a conventional brand  and the new PAL SPME Fibers.

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