Product Details

PFAS-free 100 µl Holding Loop for LC/MS Tool


PFAS-free 100 µl Holding Loop for LC/MS Tool,
made from transparent PEEK, with fittings

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Discover how to automate your PFAS Analysis

Advancing PFAS Analysis - Robotic Automation and Streamlined LC/MS Workflows

Advancing PFAS Analysis - Robotic Automation and Streamlined LC/MS Workflows

To support the scientific community and advance PFAS analysis we are proud to offer a webinar on this topic.

Key topics:

  • PFAS Fundamentals: Learn about the chemistry and significance of PFAS compounds.
  • Sample Preparation Challenges: Understand current hurdles, regulations and best practices in PFAS extraction and purification.
  • Automated LC/MS Workflows: Get an overview on automated workflows and see how PAL System integrates with LC/MS to optimize sample preparation and injection.
  • Deep Dive: Explore online SPE for PFAS analysis.
Challenges and Opportunities of Sample Preparation for Complex Matrices in Liquid Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometer

Challenges and Opportunities of Sample Preparation for Complex Matrices in Liquid Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometer

This presentation focuses on Sample Preparation aspecting in Metabolomics and Lipidomics

Presented by:
David Ruskic and Prof. Gerard Hopfgartner, Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry, Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, University of Geneva

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Application Notes

New Biopharmaceuticals: Bispecific Antibody Clone Selection

Herein, we describe the development of a new high-throughput approach based on the newly introduced SampleStream Platform for performing clone selection screening, enabling selection of clones that produce the highest amount and quality of the correctly assembled bispecific antibody.

Improved Peak Shapes for High Organic Samples: Sandwich Injections
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Improved Peak Shapes for High Organic Samples: Sandwich Injections

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Automated Sample Prep Workflows: Save money and time

Automated Sample Prep Workflows: Save money and time

This compendium on instrumental sample preparation showcases the many proven solutions of automated sample preparation workflows for food, environmental, pharma, life science analysis, and beyond. 

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Untargeted 2DxLC-Mass Spectrometry using SWATH-DIA-Based Workflow for the Characterization of Lipid Profiles in Plasma Samples

The use of lipidomic analyses based on LC-mass spectrometry has become widespread due to its sensitivity and specificity which provides a broader picture of lipid profiles in biofluids. In this work, we combined an automated sample extraction and a two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2DxLC) system with HILIC-based class separation followed by an orthogonal reverse-phase chromatography with an untargeted SWATH-DIA workflow to accurately annotate phosphatidylcholines (PC), lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) and etherphosphatidylcholines (PC O-) in human plasma samples.

Minimizing Carry-over for High Throughput Analysis

Minimizing Carry-over for High Throughput Analysis

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  • Automated Sample Prep for FAME analysis
  • New arrivals for the LC/MS Tool familiy
  • New arrival 20 µl Pipetting Tool
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PAL Ingenious News June 2022
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  • New Tools for LC¨/MS
  • New Tools for LC/MS Sample Prep
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