Automated analysis of FAMEs with CHRONECT Workstation

The preparation of fatty acid methyl esters is probably the most used analysis technique in the food industry and governmental labs to determine a fatty acid composition. Food manufacturers are required by the EU Food Information Regulation to indicate the fatty acid composition on the packaging. The PAL based CHRONECT Workstation FAMEs is fully automated for the analysis of FAMEs in oils and fats. Manual variations and the handling of hazardous materials are completely avoided. For analysis several FAME methods are automated including the DGF methods DGF C-VI 10 and C-VI 11, the SLMB 269.1 or the AOCS Ce 2-66. The latter involves methylation with the highly toxic boron trifluoride.

Automated analysis of FAME with CHRONECT

Advantages of the CHRONECT Workstation FAMEs:

  • The FAMEs workstation handles all the steps necessary for transesterification, methylation of fatty acids, extraction and injection - fully automated analysis of FAMEs
  • An integrated centrifuge accelerates phase separation 
  • Up to 40 samples can be processed in 24 hours 
  • Quickly adapt the PAL System for alternate processing methods, for example the transesterification of short-chain fatty acids
  • Various applications can also be automated at one workstation
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